Visualization - How it Helps On and Off of the Field

More and more NFL Teams are starting to turn toward Virtual Reality to help quarterbacks practice game-like decision making without getting all of the impacts and stress on their body. Seeing as 90% of most sports is decision making (when to sprint, when/how to shoot, when to go for the ball, where to run to, etc.), it is easy to see how this could be very beneficial for all athletes.

But what if there was a way to get the effect of Virtual Reality Training, without the fancy Virtual Reality equipment and software?

You're lucky because there is. And the Method is called Visualization.

Visualization can be defined as "Using a series of mental images to predict your own actions in situations in the future". Basically, it is trying to see yourself performing an action you are about to perform, in the situation you are about to be in. Pro-tip: Visualize in First Person to get the best effect!

Studies have shown that visualization can improve performance in a variety of different areas, including your performance in sports. One of the biggest obvious benefits about visualization is that it requires no equipment, and it can be done anywhere at any time. One of the hidden benefits of visualization is that it can help prevent "slow starts" to games and practices, because you have already taken mental reps. What this does is increase the amount of quality practice time you have per practice, and will make you better at your sport.

So, how do you do visualize effectively?

  1. Close your eyes, and picture yourself in a common situation in your sport.

  2. Then picture yourself completing the action correctly and making a correct and timely decision.

  3. Repeat 3 times, and then move on to a different situation.

Give this a try pre-practice and see how it works for you!